The project derives from a Term of Definitive Judicial Agreement celebrated between the São Paulo Public Prosecutors’ Office and companies from the construction sector. Funbio was hired as operational and financial manager of approximately R$1.1 million to be channeled into actions in Caçapava, São Paulo.
The sum will be used to devise management plans and design and instal signage at the municipality’s Protected Areas: the Serra do Palmital Environmental Protection Area and the Mata da Represa Wildlife Reserve, which cover a combined six thousand hectares.
Some of the money will also be used to refurbish the kennel and cattery run by the Friends of the Animals of Caçapava Association (AMAIS) and to set up a Zoonosis Control Center for the region.
In 2016, a sewage system was designed for AMAIS and work began on the management plans for the Serra do Palmital Environmental Protection Area and the Mata da Represa Wildlife Reserve. The plans are expected to be completed by early 2018.
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