Institution responsible: MUPAN – MULHERES EM AÇÃO NO PANTANAL (2020)
The subproject Recovery of Pantanal Riparian Forests: Benefiting Water, Soil, Fish, and Surrounding Populations of RPPN [Private Reserve] Sesc Pantanal aims to structure a pilot project for the Recovery of Degraded Areas (RDA) for wetlands, based on the concept of macrohabitats. The proposal will be developed in the Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN), with a view to disseminating the model for replication. Its specific objectives include: preparing the Plan for the Recovery of Degraded Areas of the RPPN Sesc Pantanal (Goal 1), based on the concept of macrohabitats; implement part of the plan, promoting the restoration of at least 46 hectares in the RPPN Sesc Pantanal (Goal 2); structure a space of reference to promote and publicize riparian forest recovery efforts; widely disseminate the project, in meetings, gatherings, and events with the public authorities and landowners in the region, to share information on the subject with interested parties; increase project management capacity; and create management tools based on scientific evidence and rapid appraisals with the Pantanal populations for emergency responses for prevention, mitigation, and adaptation in relation to climate change and extreme events in the RPPN Sesc Pantanal and its surroundings.
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